
VIDEO – Endless Perspectives #04 – Paris [DOES]

Nach Station 1 in Amsterdam , Station 2 London und Station 3 Basel geht´s weiter nach Paris und dem vierten Video der fünfteiligen Serie ‘Endless Perspectives’ (Trailer) des holländischen Graffitikünstlers DOES (Loveletters). Im letzten Video geht´s dann weiter nach Melbourne, wo das Projekt in einigen Tagen mit einer Ausstellung final präsentiert wird.

‘Endless Perspectives’ #04 – Paris (F)

A lot of excitement surrounded the trip to Paris as Parisien friends had hinted towards an interesting location for the project: a tunnel and train track next to a hidden gypsy camp. After a long walk through the forest with a pack of canvasses, Does and Stephan Polman stumbled upon this trackside spot in Paris. On the way back while walking through the gypsy garden, Does found a rusty ‘get away’ van with bullet holes and could not resist the temptation of giving it a layer of paint.

After this extraordinary painting session they went straight to Paris centre, where a few glasses of fine French wine were awaiting them. On the way back they stopped at the square in front of La Basilique Du Sacre Coeur as sunrise was kicking in, the streets were being cleaned and the fresh milk was being delivered: “Il est cinq heures, Paris s’eveille”. The icing on the cake was Blankeroy’s email with beats and melodies for each of the cities they visited so far.

Exhibition opens on Friday the 5th of April!

Exhibition – Dates & Location:
48 Easey St, Collingwood
Melbourne Australia
Opening night: Friday 5 April, 6 – 10 pm
Show running until Saturday 6 & Sunday 7 April, 10 am – 5 pm

Camera | Stephan Polman
Editing | Rube Parthoens
Production Assistent | Slam The Flap
Graphic Design | Tumki
Music | Blankeroy