
MADRID – Pocho One

WRITERS Madrid hat ein schönes Videoportrait und Interview mit dem 42jährigen spanischen Old School Graffitikünstler POCHO online gestellt. In spanischer Sprache mit englischen Untertiteln.

Writers in collaboration with Molotow madrid, presented “The life of an artist.” A very special video showing a very close view of the best artist of our country, Pocho / Sems. True to the original style of NY, has given his life to graffiti. For almost 30 years is undoubtedly the artist who has remained most active. Inogotable style source that has nurtured many writers in Spain. Many have been the days that Pocho also shared in NY graffiti and talks with who made the first steps of graffiti in the 70s, and noting and sharing with them has been an ambassador of the most recognized style as original graffiti. The video gives us a lesson on this! “Famous among celebrities.” Considered by some as “oldschool”, has nothing to do with many of his generation. Activity is greater than the starting, who often shared moments. This paper also shows his geración conductor wire to generation, contributing to feelings that were graffiti origin. We thank Pocho because we know that “the life of an artist is not so easy”



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