It all have started from here. The blog is hosted in german by Germans only. News about Graffiti and some off the hook stuff posted here daily by the Team. (
After a while Lars from Copenhagen joined and starting up hosting the english version of the blog. Lars blog in english only and do it himself, is a one man army so far (
At the end of 2008 danish writer Soten joined and we start to think more and more of the idea to provide space for group blogs. As for the future you will see more and more of these blogs for artists, writers and with them. They dont blog regulary as the 2 main blogs do but putting up interesting stuff sometimes (
Same time the FMK Crew from Paris start to fill their blog with entries from allover, FMK, you know the deal… (
Next in the building is Take2 from Australia, we dont want to introduce him cause its impossible to describe such a writer. All we can say, follow his blog and you will learn more about him (
Good friend and for sure one of the most creative german writer, Kacao77 from Berlin keep his blog light green as it is his color of life. Follow Kacao77 with regular updates on his amazing artworks and travels (
Fok from Berlin is a legend in what he is doing, being involved with the great Hard2Burn Videoseries and Magazines. Follow Fok of the RMA and KD Crew and check his latest walls and events. (
New in the ilovegraffiti Blog Family: Rusl from the Loveletters crew, always around painting walls all over europe with his crewmates and friends, find out more on his love and hates over at his blog (
more to come…