“You are presently siting on the most historic writers bench in all of New York City. The writers bench is an important symbol and historical marker for graffiti writers. Beyond being a physical bench it grew to be a verb in it’s own right, describing the action of watching graffiti pieces travel into the station on the train. At the bench, writers congregated not only to piece watch but to critique, study, meet other writers, teach, sign each other’s black books, and discuss layups and yards. “
Das und viel mehr kann man auf den 100 handgemachten Postern von Erik Burke lesen. Eine Hommage an diverse heute historische Plätze der New Yorker Subway Art Bewegung, damals Treffpunkte der Writer waren zum Beispiel die 149th Grand Concourse oder eben auch Brooklyn Bridge.

“We chose to honor the 149th St. & Grand Concourse bench where graffiti writers began to congregate in the mid 70’s. Although there were similar Writers Benches throughout the city, this particular bench was the most popular and seemed to embody the vibrant and tenacious graffiti movement.”
Eine großartige Form der Hommage an goldene Zeiten in der Mutterstadt, nach dem Jump gibts noch ein Video dazu welches das Projekt sehr gut visuell untermalt. Mehr Bilder und Infos gibts in Burke´s Blog und diesem Flickr Set