“A humble project that started out with a few enthusiastic people, is growing to be a bigger, better project. The wall project started with a blank white compund wall, with an intense burning of “something has to be done to it”. Set in an old East Indian village in Bandra, colourful with people of many talents, all hidden in their tiny abodes. It was an initiative to add visual elements of colour, form and texture to a space, to make the area more alive and generate a feeling among people who pass by it daily. Inviting more people, not just artists to come paint, and to hunt for interesting locations to paint.”
In der Graff Bombz #43 habe ich über das Projekt in Indien gelesen und mal ein wenig gegoogelt, gelandet bin ich auf einer Website und hier auf Facebook plus 60 Murals in über 600 Bildern aus Mumbai im Rahmen des Projekts kuratiert von Madhavi Chopra. Teilweise wirklich sehr gute Arbeiten dabei, wenn man bedenkt mit welchen Mitteln und unter welchen Umständen das dort alles abläuft..