

“Redbird is the name given to 1,410 New York City Subway cars of the following types: R26, R28, R29, R33 ML, R33 WF, R36, and R36 WF. These cars were painted a deep red to combat graffiti, which had become a major problem In the late 1970s and early 1980s. The deep red color was referred to as Gunn Red in honor of its originator David L. Gunn, who was the head of the New York City Transit Authority during this period. Initially entering service in various colors, these cars received the new paint scheme between 1984 and 1989. Some R17s were also given this paint scheme in 1985/86, but were retired well before the name “Redbird” caught on.” (Wikipedia)

Das Foto (Redbird/StayHigh/1973) ist von Jon Naar, Autor des Buches “Birth of Graffiti” und dem schon älterem Buch “The Faith of Graffiti/Watching My Name Go By” (Cover)aus dem Jahr 1973. Auf seiner Website gibt hier sehr gute Fotos aus den Jahren 1957 bis 2004. Wer ihm zuhören will während er sein Buch und einige Fotos daraus erklärt folgt dem Jump