“At first, transit workers who saw it were stymied, as were subway riders who happened to notice. In 1970, the cryptic scrawl “TAKI 183” appeared all over station walls and subway cars. Maybe it was a surveyor’s mark, or perhaps a maintenance designation? Actually, what more than a few people had begun to notice was the beginning of something new to the times — something that would grow, like ooze in a science- fi ction movie, to cover a myriad of city surfaces. It was graffi ti, 1970’s style. TAKI 183 was Demetrius, a Greek- American kid from Washington Heights who was employed part- time as a messenger. He rode the subway from one part of New York City to the other, delivering packages and envelopes. (Taki was his nickname; 183 the street he lived on.) Demetrius told the New York Times why he wrote TAKI 183 everywhere he could”
Hatte heute das 137 Seiten starke Buch “The New York City Subway System (Building America: Then and Now)” in der Hand, geht um die Geschichte der New Yorker Subway von 1900 und dem Bau der IRT Subway bis ins Jahr 2007, wenn man der englischen Sprache mächtig ist und sich für das Thema interessiert eine gute Lektüre. An Graffiti kam der Autor natürlich nicht vorbei, ich habe mal einen Teil aus diesem Kapitel hier reingepackt, nach dem Jump. Erhältlich ist das gute Stück hier auf Amazon für Fünfundzwanzigneunundneunzig