Zur Ankündigung vom “Girl Power Movie” gabs ja nun mittlerweile schon einiges zu sehen, Fotos vom Set, die offizielle Website und diverse kurze Clips. Im Girl Power Movie der PUFFs solls nach Berlin, Mailand, Prag, Madrid, Paris, Dortmund und Budapest gehen. Untertitel: “30 Girls, 10 Cities, 1 Movie”. Der DVD Release hat sich allerdings mal wieder verschoben, laut den aktuellen Trailerinfos ist der Release erst nächstes Jahr im Sommer angesetzt….ein Fasching
premiere in summer 2011
shocking, bold, controversial
The idea behind the Girl Power project was born in Prague in 2008 during the filming of a short video with female graffiti artists. After its completion and success we thought, why not explore this topic a little deeper. Soon we realized that the central theme would be the subject of women in the world of graffiti.
In the film Girl Power its intention to capture the female perspective and its social implications in the context of the graffiti scene. Why do so few girls paint? What are their reasons? It’s a very bold and dangerous lifestyle, which tends to be associated with men. Yet there are women who have dedicated their lives, who seek out danger on their own accord and most importantly have a completely distinct approach to graffiti. First and foremost, they consider it a form of entertainment and so they spice it up with various elements such as clothing, stylization, which is miniskirts, humorous masks, extravagant clothing or they will paint their nails and put a pink wig on. All these aspects give their form of graffiti a new dimension. It’s more fun, varied and most of all, distinct from the male approach.
To film this subculture as objectively as possible and to see how the art has evolved around the World, we will travel to over ten cities in Europe (Berlin, Milan, Lisbon, Madrid, Paris, Dortmund, Prague, Budapest, Moscow…) and we’ll be welcomed into the cradle of graffiti – New York city.
We’ll visit these cities with a film crew in a “unique” van, which will be accompanying the girls throughout the film.