
Rockin´ It Suckers

Rockin It Suckers” hatten wir hier im Eintrag zu den Ket Q&A´s bereits erwähnt, nach dem Jump gibts einen Preview und Video zum Buch über die RIS Crew aus New York

The inside story of the crew that has kept graffiti alive in New York City for the past 20 years “The trains may have been buffed, but Rockin’ It Suckers proves the ris crew’s indelible mark on New York City and graffiti culture worldwide.” — Abbey Goodman, Executive editor at “RIS is the id of graffiti; Dirty, dangerous, wild and free.” — Espo. In the late 80s New York was a city tormented by crack and violent crime. At the same time the golden age of hip hop was in full bloom. As the authorities decided to clean up the city, a group of kids got together to taste the last of the city’s painted subway trains. The ris crew was determined to keep the trains colourful and decided to wage their own war with the city. As a result they became one of the world’s most important and influential graffiti crews.
Out now!
Published by Dokument Press

Open publication – Free publishing
