Die bekannteste und schönste Hall of Fame New Yorks bittet um Hilfe. Es soll Pläne geben 5Pointz (ARD Report) zu einem Einkaufscenter umzubauen, die Nachricht kam selbst für Meres (5Pointz Host) völlig überraschend. Hatte er doch Pläne das Gebäude in Queens in ein Museum umzubauen (ILG News vom 15.07.2010) Also wer in den nächsten Jahren nach New York gehen und ein Piece malen will klickt sich hier rein (Petition) und unterstützt damit das Projekt. Hoffentlich hilfts!
The recently announced development plans to convert 5 Pointz into a high-rise residential tower and luxury shopping mall came as a great surprise to us all. We wish we could answer all of your questions and concerns right now but the truth is we were just as surprised by the news as everybody else. Over the past decade Jerry Wolkoff has given us the opportunity to transform the warehouse at Jackson and Crane into 5 Pointz known to you all as the graffiti Mecca, a spot Jerry himself has referred to as a great place.
All we can do right now is sit tight and prepare for the new season, we have walls to fix and materials to acquire in order to welcome you all for our re-opening.
We are going to keep on doing what we do best – looking forward to seeing you all and witnessing another great season at 5 Pointz
Meres and the 5 Pointz team
Please fill out and send this petition to everyone you know!