SERVAL aus der Schweiz hat zum Release seiner neuen Website ein schickes i-Phone App Game mit dem Titel ““SilverBlack” am Start. Leider nur i-Phone, nix Android. Das Spiel im klassishen Jump´n Run Modus, Dosen aufsammeln um Wände, Züge und Billboards zu malen, dabei kommen dem Spieler Cops und andere dunkle Gestalten in die Quere. Viele Punkte, Viele Burner im Photo Album
I’ve just released a FREE Iphone game app called : SilverBlack !! It’s a classic platform game where your character picks up cans to paint walls, trains and billboards while avoiding cops and other bad guys. The more points you have the more pictures of burners you unlock in the photo album!Its not a commercial venture, just a fun project with my Crewmate Ader 7$ and the beatmaker GR! from SparringPartners for the release of my new website
Here is the direct link: would appreciate your help to spread the word about this, so that everybody can enjoy this game!