

Aus Sizilien (Italien) kommt ein weiteres Online Magazin namens ‘Beatrice”, mit zwei ersten Ausgaben liegt der Fokus auf Trains und Subways aus Italien und Europa plus einige Features wie das mit der TMA Crew. Jump

Beatrice graffiti_magazine, the first magazine of catanese graffiti of the history of the writing, the second one in absolute in Sicily. A magazine that is born from the desire to introduce the several ones drafts of the Europe, as only the most pushed and important magazines they have made during the last few years.Beatrice is a rich magazine of international photos: trains, meter from all Europe and street-bombing. Moreover, in the first escape, a report in honor to the meter of Catania, from which the magazine it takes to the name “Beatrice”, a meter who has carried hundred of writers, coming from all the world, in Sicily.