In Richmond (Virginia/USA) fand die Tage das G40 Art Summit statt, ein Street Art Festival mit zahlreicher europäischer Künstlerbeteiligung. Mit dabei ARYZ aus Spanien, ROA aus Belgien, 2501 aus England und PIXELPANCHO aus Italien plus JAZ aus Argentinien, ANGRY WOEBOTS aus Seattle, LELO aus Brasilien und La Pandilla. Die 19 Murals in 2 Videos und Fotos nach dem Jump
G40 Art Summit in Richmond, Virginia, we now return for a second look as artists move on to multiple walls and new blood arrives. Belgium superstar ROA gets up again with stacked turtles, Aryz returns with an elephant piece, Jaz paints a couple more sepia-toned murals, Pixel Pancho continues his robotic theme with a beheaded robot and dog, Angry Woebots populates Richmond with his pandas, Scribe adds a couple animal-themed pieces, La Pandilla spends time on some realistic animal-human hybrids, 2501 continues his intricate patterned work with several walls, and Lelo works his colorful abstraction into the cityscape. (Arrested Motion)
Fotos: sammiches18