Die Graffiti Punks aus Osteuropa sind zurück mit ihrem Blog und damit das auch nicht unbemerkt bleibt gibt´s ein Video zum Relaunch…TehGrifters™ 2.0 nach dem Jump
The award-winning TehGrifters™ is a preeminent, almost random group of top 3 business, law, arts and psychology school graduates, who love to spend their time in world-class bars, striptease-clubs and railway stations. While widely known for their overobsessive use of rude words at inappropriate occasions, they are in fact strong supporters of green-energy, gay-jokes and freedom of speech. With a cumulative internet-experience of over 23 years, it is broadly known that very few internet blogs can compete on their level of dedication and lack of taste. Although their unstoppable passion for 10$-vintage-photocams and underage children has led to considerable jail-time for several members, their multimillion profits from not-quite-legit you-could-think-of-it-as-a-business endeavours has given them the freedom to consider blog posting and ranting as a fulltime job. Confirmed sources cite that the idea for the blog has been born over several martinis on the private yacht of Roman Abramovich, however some members have refused to comment on such intimidating suggestions. As can be seen in the content, apparently it is very clear to them that ultimately Freud was right, and all of man’s actions can be explained through Sex and Aggression; a fact, they take great pride in. It has been said that the mission of the blog is to promote ‘alternative-smoking and -dressing’ (whatever that means), but when asked officially, the answer has been plain and straight-forward: Selfdestruction.