Honet, Blu, M-City, Etnik, Does, Hitnes und viele weitere internationale Street Art Künstler wurden nach Bologna (Italien) eingeladen um im Rahmen des FRONTIER Projekts Fassaden in der Stadt zu gestalten. Das Projekt selbst motiviert sich über Lobbyarbeit und den Willen, Streetart der breiten Öffentlichkeit noch zugänglicher zu machen und zu begeistern. Für FRONTIER wurden sogar Stadtrundfahrten organisiert, so richtig im Bus, mit Karte, einem Moderator und Infos zu den jeweiligen Künstlern. Fotos und ein Making Of Video mit Honet nach dem jump
FRONTIER aims to be an important opportunity to show and underline how much the art of Writing and of Street Art have been so prominent and pioneering for the development of the contemporary international art scene, taking Bologna as an historical centre of production and observation. In 1984 the Museum of Modern Art in Bologna was held an exhibition titled Arte di frontiera. New York Graffiti with the partipation of a lot of artists form the Old School of New York, including Kenny Scharf, Keith Haring, Crash, John Ahearn, A One, Toxic, Jean-Michel Basquiat. Arte di frontiera could be considered as the starting point of the project FRONTIER, an historical and critical link. A backwards trip, a possibility to remember that period as the perfect example, and to create a new cultural frontier helpful in recalling the stylistic steps of the founders and so arriving to what our times are producing. FRONTIER has the ambition to produce a moment of observation, research and analysis on a group of international artists representing the evolution of styles. An opportunity that creates the possibility to intervene directly on the urban landscape.