Schönes Video von SAFTFILM aus Toronto (Kanada) mit HERAKUT und einem weiteren Mural für das hier bereits erwähnte ‘The Giant Storybook Project‘. Zusammengefasst ergibt das bisher neben dem Toronto Mural neun weitere in Montreal, San Francisco, Rochester, St.Ottilien, Lexington, Miami, Melbourne und Kathmandu. Wir werden das Projekt gespannt weiterverfolgen und hier zukünftige neue Produktionen mit Lily, Jay und den Riesen von HERAKUT posten!
Follow along as artist duo Herakut reveal the wild and whimsical story of Lily, Jay, two giants, and their adventures on murals around the world. The Giant Storybook Project chronicles the creation of a (yet-unnamed) new children’s book being created by the internationally-renowned street artist duo Herakut. Launched in September 2012 and continuing through winter 2013, the project follows the artists as they introduce the story’s characters on murals that they are painting around the world. If you’re in one of the cities where we’re painting, come on by! If not, follow the progress through this page. Either way, get to know Lily, Jay, the giants, and the other interesting characters as they reveal more of themselves over the coming months!