In Mexico City fand im Mai diesen Jahres das ALL CITY CANVAS FESTIVAL statt. Die eingeladenen Künstler El Mac (USA/Foto oben), Vhils (Portugal), Roa (Belgien), Herakut (Deutschland), Escif (Spanien), Interesni Kaski (Ukraine), sowie Sego und Saner (Mexiko) wurden vom JUXTAPOZ Team mit der Kamera begleitet und geben Interviews, eine interessante 20minütige Dokumentation mit ungewohnt starken Statements der Künstler, Am Ende des Films werden alle ALL CITY CANVAS Murals in voller Größe gezeigt!
“All City Canvas is considered one of the best urban arts festivals at the international level. The project conceptualized by ARTO, MAMUTT and The Antique Toy Museum was opened in late April and was attended by eight internationally renowned artists such as ROA (Belgium), ESCIF (Spain), INTERESNI KASKI (Ukraine), SEGO (Mexico), EL MAC (USA), HERAKUT (Germany) y SANER (Mexico) who intervened emblematic walls of Mexico City. Additionally, we conducted a series of conferences with experts in urban art at the National Museum of Art (MUNAL) and an exhibition at the Gallery Fifty24MX with works produced by the artists participating in the project, which made the All City Canvas a unique event that citizens offered a new option unprecedented cultural.”