‘Painting Cape Town – Graffiti from South Africa’ ist das erste Buch über Graffiti in Südafrika bzw Kapstadt. Auf 250 Seiten gibt´s jede Menge Bildmaterial des Fotografen Matthew Olckers. Der Fokus des Buches liegt neben der Geschichte der Szene auf 29 Graffitisprühern welche das Stadtbild von Kapstadt seit vielen Jahren prägen oder geprägt haben. In Interviews und Fotos aus den Neunzigern bis 2012 werden Dek3, Faith47, Falko, Mak1, Wealz, Toe, Disk, Enos und viele mehr vorgestellt. Das Team von SHELFLIFE gibt das Buch im Februar 2013 heraus, nicht sehr viel später wird ‘Painting Cape Town – Graffiti from South Africa’ auch in Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz erhältlich sein. Wir sind gespannt, das Preview Video von Urika Boss und eine kleine Fotoauswahl aus dem Painting the Town Archiven versprechen ein gutes Buch einer interessanten Graffitiszene.
‘Painting Cape Town – Graffiti from South Africa’
Painting Cape Town, Graffiti from South Africa is the first book to cover the Cape Town graffiti scene in extensive detail. The 250 page book is focussed on interviews with 29 of Cape Town’s most prolific and recognised graffiti writers such as Dek3, Faith47, Falko, Mak1 and Wealz. The book includes many never before seen photographs dating from the early 1990s to 2012.
The author of the book, Matthew Olckers, started photographing Cape Town graffiti in 2007. He shared his photographs on a blog named Painting The Town. Through the blog he was able to make contact with graffiti artists in the city. During 2010, PaintingTheTown became inactive and Matthew focussed full time on producing this book. In light of the increasing popularity of graffiti (and its close cousin Street Art) the aim of Painting Cape Town is to recognise the graffiti artists who have made an impact on the surfaces of the city though the quantity and quality of their work. The book gives you a chance to get inside the minds of the key figures in this misunderstood subculture.
The book is available for presale now. By purchasing a presale copy of the book you will also gain an invitation to the launch event which is scheduled for the 28 February 2013. For those outside Cape Town or overseas, international shipping is available. See below.
Website: paintingcapetown.co.za
From the PAINTING THE TOWN Archives