
KURZFILM – VNA in Rio de Janeiro – ‘Meeting of Favela’

Charlie vom Very Nearly Almost Magazine aus England hat sich in den Straßen von Rio de Janeiro umgeschaut und ein 10minütiges Video gedreht, das Graffiti-Event ‘Meeting of Favela’ besucht und mit einigen Graffitikünstlern vor Ort gesprochen, schöner Kurzfilm von der Copacabana

“I went to Rio to make a film about Samba and got a little sidetracked by the amazing Graff scene out there, so I decided to make a little film about it. One million thanks go to Airá O Crespo for showing me the way, to Toz and Dudu for meeting up with me, and to Bibiu for giving me a ride, Aninha for coming along and helping out, BOSH for the time off, and to all the writers of Rio for being such a lovely welcoming bunch. Bigup your chests. You are all dons.”