Seit einer Woche ist die erste Einzelausstellung ‘TOPSPRAYER EXPRESS’ von MOSES & TAPS™ in der Kölner Galerie Ruttkowski68 zu sehen. Für alle die es nicht zur Vernissage geschafft haben hat uns die Galerie ein Video, den Katalog zur Ausstellung und einige Details der Arbeiten zur Verfügung gestellt.
Graffiti crew MOSES & TAPS™ that is also known as ERNI & BERT™ or INTERNATIONAL TOPSPRAYER: MOSES & TAPS™, has grabbed the attention of both law enforcement officials and art critics. The ever-changing name of this collective is not borne out of indecision or marketing. It rather helps conceal the identities of its members. In 2011, the collective, who rigorously decided against an online presence, published a volume of their works for the first time. Whether graffiti is described as scribbling, art, vandalism, or urban propaganda, it has long hovered between unlawful and lawful expression. Today, the gap between the two has narrowed. While street graffiti remains a form of vandalism, it is increasingly considered an art form, too. Some of those notorious paint sprayers are now defined as graffiti artists, whose works are exhibited, traded, collected, and analyzed. Graffiti has become a key influence in the world of contemporary art.
TOPSPRAYER EXPRESS™ is the first solo exhibition by the artists.
Duration: February 1 – March 17 2013
Bismarckstrasse 68
50672 Köln
Phone +49(0)221 1699 3647
HOURS (during exhibitions)
Mon-Fri 15-20h
Sat-Sun 17-20h
Tue closed and by appointment
INTERVIEW mit MOSES & TAPS (deutsch)
INTERVIEW mit MOSES & TAPS (englisch)