C215, der mit dem bürgerlichen Namen Christian Guémy heißt, gehört zu den interessantesten Stencil-Artists unserer Zeit. Der gebürtige Franzose fängt in den Neunzigern mit klassischen Graffiti an, über eine intensive Auseinandersetzung mit Fotografie und Malerei entwickelt er später ein ausgefeilte Stenciltechnik. Ein charakteristisches Element seiner Arbeiten sind die bunten Farbfäden und die starke Betonung der Augenpartien der Portraits. Jedes seiner Stencils birgt eine eigene Geschichte: Die meisten beruhen auf seinen Zeichnungen und Fotografieren. Am Valentinstag haben wir C215 für unsere nächste 5 MINUTES Episode in seinem Atelier in Vitry (Frankreich) besucht und konnten dem Stencilkünstler ein wenig über die Schulter schauen!
C215, is the moniker of Christian Guémy, a French street artist hailing from Paris who has been described as “France’s answer to Banksy”. C215 primarily uses stencils to produce his art. His first stencil work was put up in 2006, but he has been a graffiti artist for (as of 2011) over 20 years.His work consists mainly of close up portraits of people. C215’s subjects are typically those such as beggars, homeless people, refugees, street kids and the elderly. The rationale behind this choice of subject is to draw attention to those that society has forgotten about. C215 is a prolific street artist and has practiced his art in cities all over the world. His stencils may be seen in Barcelona, Amsterdam, London, Rome, Paris and Oslo. In addition to his street work, C215 also produces commercial artwork for galleries on wood and canvas. C215 has to date done a number of solo gallery shows to promote his work. C215’s most recent show is entitled ‘Community Service’, currently running in Paris. Guémy’s daughter Nina is a popular subject of his stencil art. She has also become a stencil artist in her own right. We visited the artist at the valentines day in his studio to have an interesting conversation for our latest 5 MINUTES episode!
Website: C215.com
Video: ilovegraffiti.de / Estelle Beauvais