Nach Station 1 in Amsterdam und Station 2 London geht´s weiter nach Basel und dem dritten Video der fünfteiligen Serie ‘Endless Perspectives’ (Trailer) des holländischen Graffitikünstlers DOES (Loveletters). In den nächsten Videos geht´s dann weiter nach Paris und Melbourne, wo das Projekt Anfang April 2013 mit einer Ausstellung final präsentiert wird.
‘Endless Perspectives’ #03 – Basel (CH)
Third destination was undoubtedly Basel, a five hour drive away from the south of Holland. Does’s first visit in 2006 left a deep impression when † Dare gave him a guided tour through the layered tunnel system and the famous Basel line. To this day the Basel line remains an important memorial site and a big drawing card for writers around the world who like to admire the original and sometimes ancient works of other artists from all over the world. Keeping in this atmosphere, Does arranged for a good spot near the trackside to set up and paint his canvasses. Despite Stephan Polman’s BBQ food poisoning, who spent a few days in hospital, this trip was incredible.
Next week the journey continues on to another European city. Until then, we hope you enjoy this second official video for the ‘Endless Perspectives’ project.
48 Easey St, Collingwood
Melbourne Australia
Opening night: Friday 5 April, 6 – 10 pm
Show running until Saturday 6 & Sunday 7 April, 10 am – 5 pm
Camera | Stephan Polman
Editing | Rube Parthoens
Production Assistent | Slam The Flap
Graphic Design | Tumki
Music | Blankeroy