Matt W. Moore aka MWM hat uns vor einigen Tagen sein neues Mural inklusive eigenem Video vom Mural im Rahmen des OFFF Festivals in Barcelona gesendet. Die Wand wurde am DHUB (Museu del Disseny de Barcelona) gestaltet.
“The good folks at Offf Festival and Montana Colors linked me with a talented filmmaker named Quim Mas for the 3 day evolution of The Mural I Painted. He did a great job of capturing the flow of the freestyle painting and the energy of the crowd. It is a trip for me to watch the playback on a project like this. I get so lost in the moment when I am working I often forget exactly how I arrived at the final results. This particular blueprint and mural was a lot of fun because it alludes so much to letterforms (I am still pulling words out of it as I look at it now. Dozens of “almosts” in there) but it is most definitely a purely freestyle abstraction without any esoteric syntax.”