THE HATE DESTROYER ist der Titel eines Filmprojekts von Vincenzo Caruso und Fabrizio Lussu (Fotogramma 25/Sineast Filmproduction). In Arbeit ist eine Dokumentation über Irmela Mensah-Schramm. die einige von euch vielleicht aus unserem Beitrag hier (Februar 2011) oder hier (Dezember 2010) kennen. Seit 1985 hat sich die 67jährige Mensah-Schramm aus Berlin zur Aufgabe gemacht, rassistische und antisemitische Aufkleber abzukratzen und Schmierereien zu übermalen, wegzukratzen oder zu übersprühen. Jeden Monat opfert sie dafür 300 € ihrer Rente, um sich Arbeitsmaterialien zu kaufen. Unten gibt´s einen Teaser zum Film und Informationen mit Link zum Crowdfunding des Filmprojekts. Unterstützenswert!
One morning a quarter century ago a school teacher from Berlin was sitting at a bus stop.
Same old Nazi sticker had been there for weeks already without anyone taking it off. She decided that she had to do it after her work that day.
Irmela Mensah Schramm is nowadays a 67-year-old lady living in Berlin. For the last 28 years she has been going out every morning searching racist, homophobic and anti-Semitic graffiti, posters or stickers to scratch off or erase.
Irmela’s tools are nail polish remover, a scrap, a logbook and a spray paint. She spends hundreds of euros from her pension on these hate-removal tools every month and takes them with her everywhere. Before the object is destroyed Irmela takes a picture with her little camera and makes a note in her logbook. There are over 130 000 notes.
Often while scouting the streets she bumps into neo – Nazis and other racist groups. She is being threatened and left messages on the wall saying ”Schramm, we are gonna get you”. Irmela has become a kind of hatred catalyst – sometimes the hate stays in her.
After defeating her breast cancer couple of years ago, her activity changed and became her mission. Now it’s her reason for living, to the detriment of friends and loved ones. Irmela feels herself lonely with the feeling of being improper and perhaps therefore she want’s to clean the world, or fix it.
Through the authors first-person report, the film shows the vulnerabilities of a character that switch from moments of sensitivity to episodes of deep anger against everything that time hasn’t deleted.
We are a group of young Italian, Polish, Finnish and German TV and movie professionals who have been filming this Berlin super lady, Irmela Mensah Schramm, besides our other jobs for the last couple of years. We are hard working and skillful people and the films and TV-series that we have been working with this far have been broadcast or screened in Italy, Germany, Finland, Estonia, India, Sweden, Japan, USA, Hungary, Canada, Spain, Porto Rico, Austria, Switzerland. (Sorry for the long list, we just try to impress you).
This passionate project has been helped and sustained by a lot of people: bloggers, street artists, journalists, civil rights organizations, festivals and institutions. We managed to finance our project this far with the help from Italian Film Funds, private foundations and producers and little from our own pockets too.
The shootings will be finished within this summer 2013, but we are still missing some of our post production budget. Post production means everything for a documentary film. That’s when the movie is really made. More money means more time for editing, better sound design, a richer music, more extras and a louder promotion. We are going to finish the movie anyway, but we are the most grateful for any support. We think it’s a little miracle that someone wants to support us like this.
The film and perks are delivered in December 2013, just before Christmas. Some of the perks, such as FLOW- tickets, (Thank you FLOW FESTIVAL!!!) workshops or exhibitions are delivered when they take place – way before December.
We consider this project not only as a film but also a possibility for us to be part of global movement against racism, and now we are ready to kick it and spread it all over the world. And it will be fun.
We will update a production diary with extra footage, information and campaigns on our website and you can also be kept in the loop joining us on Facebook and Twitter.
The Hate Destroyer – Crowdfunding
The Hate Destroyer – Website