
GILBERT1 – ‘To Build A Home’

GILBERT1, den wir im Rahmen des Drehs für unsere 5 Minuten mit Graffuturism in Paris kennenlernen durften, hat ein interessantes Projekt mit dem Titel ‘To Build A Home’ umgesetzt. Die Videodokumentation in zwei Teilen gibt´s unten

Today, after Home Sweet Home, Inside, Broken Project, participation to Mausolée and les Bains, I have the pleasure to present my last solo project in an abandoned place, To Build a Home. I have worked lying low during few weeks, on and inside a house on the edge of the forest, which was a meeting room and a room for parties of a sanatorium, build by modernist architect André Lurcat in the 60’s. The project is focused on the building of a home, metaphor of the place full of our own story, in which we can recharge, but in which we can not remain forever, since man is not immortal, he is forced to abandon his own creation that will survive him. Only time and nature retain control. (Gilbert1/via mail)

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