
SUSO33 – ‘To Those Who Forget’

In ‘To Those Who Forget’ interpretiert der spanische Graffitikünstler SUSO33 (Creation,Race,Adrenaline) Symptome der Alzheimer Krankheit aus seiner eigenen künstlerischen und emotionalen Perspektive.

‘TO THOSE WHO FORGET‘ is conceived as a part of the cultural initiatives that CQTC Branding Talent and VAMOS SCOTLAND are developing in Scotland. This approach aims to face the consequences of Alzheimer’s disease on patients and their families from a scientific, artistic and emotional perspective.

The artist behind the name Suso33 began to give form to the icon for which he’d later become known on the street, at the desk of an art college in North Madrid (“la plasta”).lt was the end of the ’80s. Graffiti was invading the minds of young people like him, hypnotizing with the message “you can do this, it’s in your hands’~ And like many others, he enlisted himself in the war that would revolutionize the streets and underground scene in the capital, with the difference being that he had a prodigious imagination.
Suso33 will surprise us with a new exciting project inspired by neu rodegenerative processes.

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