
NEW YORK – ‘Wild Style’ Then & Now – A Photographic Retrospective 2013

Für alle die den Film WILD STYLE von Charlie Ahearn mehr als einmal gesehen haben dürfte das hier interessant sein. Fotografin Liz Barclay zeigt wie einige ausgewählte Locations aus dem Klassiker heute aussehen. Darunter der Spot an der Cherry Street Ecke Clinton, wo der Regisseur Ahearn im Jahr 1980 noch “Nuclear War Dragon” von Lee Quinones fotografieren konnte oder Howard the Duck früher und heute. Das COMPLEX Magazin hat die Fotos sehr schön gegenübergestellt (unten in den Fotos grüne Trennlinie hin und her bewegen): ‘Wild Style’ Then & Now – A Photographic Retrospective 2013

“We revisited the locales throughout the Bronx and the Lower East Side where the film’s most memorable scenes were filmed, including the graffiti-covered handball court where Ahearn met the film’s star, artist Lee Quiñones, and this is what we found.” (COMPLEX)

What: “Nuclear War Dragon” by Lee Quinones, 1980
Where: Cherry St. and Clinton St., Lower East Side

Before photo by Charlie Ahearn; after photo by Liz Barclay

What: Howard the Duck by Lee Quinones, 1978
Where: Corlears Junior High Shcool 56, (Madison Btwn. Clinton St. and Montgomery St.), Lower East Side

Before photo by Charlie Ahearn; after photo by Liz Barclay

What: Graffiti 1990 by Lee Quinones (1979), 1980
Where: Coleman Square Playground; Cherry St. and Market Slip under the Manhattan Bridge, Lower East Side

Before photo by Charlie Ahearn; after photo by Liz Barclay

What: The scene of the classic basketball court throwdown between the Cold Crush Brothers and the Fantastic Freaks, 1981
Where: Slattery Playground (corner of Valentine Ave. and E. 183rd), Bronx

Before photo by Cathy Campbell; after photo by Liz Barclay

What: Grandmaster Caz at South Bronx basketball courts, 1981
Where: Slattery Playground (corner of Valentine Ave. and E. 183rd), Bronx

Before photo by Charlie Ahearn; after photo by Liz Barclay

What: Heroin Kills Train, by Dondi and Charlie Ahearn; 1981
Where: Corner of Westchester Ave. and Trinity Ave., Bronx

Before photo by Charlie Ahearn; after photo by Liz Barclay

What: Site of the stoop scene, where Double Trouble is seen rapping; 1981
Where: 803 Freeman St., Bronx

Before photo by Cathy Campbell; after photo by Liz Barclay

What: Site of the stoop scene, where Double Trouble is seen rapping; 1981
Where: 803 Freeman St., Bronx

Before photo by Cathy Campbell; after photo by Liz Barclay

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