
BUCH – ‘Vision by DEMS333’

Der spanische Graffitisprüher DEMS hat zusammen mit ULTRABOOKS ein auf 333 Stück limitiertes Buch mit dem Titel VISION “The Black Book of secrets and Tricks” herausgegeben. Der Grund für die geringe Auflage sind die hohen Produktionskosten. Die spanische Website VELVET LIGA und der Verlag haben ein Crowdfunding Projekt gestartet um die höhere Auflage doch noch voranzutreiben, einen Einblick in das Buch mit Trailer und Infos zum Crowdfunder unten


VISION is presented in 160 pages in black and white with different quality materials in its paper, divided in 7 chapters, images and ideas, 7 “VISIONS” that the author Dems has wanted to show to us. It will be launched on a unique limited edition of 333 copies that the author will number and sign. Inside we will find a run through graffiti and the experiences that come along with it with a nice bunch of unpublished material. All of this turns this book into a collector’s exclusive piece. We will also be able to enjoy the featuring of: F.Pantone, Sozyone Gonzalez, Rosh333, Kiler, Daniel Muñoz “San”, Aigor, Sawe, KoolFunc´88…


Dems was born in Elche, Spain, in 1979. Since the early 90’s he met graffiti and started painting. More than 20 years in which he has never stopped inventing and developing styles, with a frenetic activity that has taken him to paint all around the world. There is no doubt that due to all this effort he has made his way into the international graffiti scenario.

In VISION he will be leading the project that he has made and will bring it to life.

Velvet Liga is a Spanish blog born 5 years ago and is nowadays a doubtless reference in the national and European scenario.

“In Velvet Liga we simply love graffiti, tags, throw-ups, immense murals… We are interested in the new proposals the streets have, under any form or any label anyone wants to put on it. We like art, music, design, fashion, any creation that can cause emotion. We have been talking about each of these things since 2008 in a distended way, trying to be rigorous and maintaining our subjective opinion as a statement.

In this project we collaborate as produces, as in the elaboration of the texts with Alberto Martín.


There has been hard work going on during the whole process of creation of VISION. We have undertaken this project attending fully on the quality of the final result, both on the content and the presentation. One of the most important decisions we made was launching VISION in a limited edition of 333 copies, to create something special other than a simple book. Due to the small amount of copies and the quality of them, the cost of producing VISION is higher than a normal book. We decided that the best way to produce is was through crowdfunding, generating this way a direct relationship between the creators and the customers.

Our goal using crowdfunding for this project is to print Vision and so it can come to life in a physical format, something the crew is excited about and is fond of achieving. We strongly believe that for the customer, this can be a really good opportunity to get hold of an exclusive and valuable piece.

All the info here:

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SPOTLIGHT – Dems UB | I Love Graffiti DE

[…] wir nun endlich Demsky´s Buch VISION in den Händen halten können, dachten wir uns es ist mal Zeit für ein SPOTLIGHT mit dem spanischen […]