
Alecks Cruz – 3D Cardboard Letter Sculptures

Soeben sind wir über Alecks Cruz´ Skulpturen aus Pappkartons gestolpert, welche momentan in der Maxwell Colette Gallery Chicago ausgestellt werden. Alecks gibt seinen eigenen Buchstaben so eine dritte Dimension, sehr schöne Arbeiten wie wir finden!

Alecks Cruz comes from the street art realm, and this sculptural exhibition is taking his views on 3D lettering a step further. He delves deep into the structure of the characters, extracting their compositional and aesthetic value onto the surface. The material in which Cruz creates are recycled cardboard boxes, which allows him to maintain the stability of each sign’s structure. All of the letters are stylized in the wild style of graffiti, and polished with cardboard veneer panels, cut out of the more appealing parts of the boxes. Bringing the letters into existence by giving them a third dimension, Alecks Cruz redefines their true symbolism and conjures tangible artwork meant to be seen from all angles. The absence of paint allows the large characters to interact with the remaining written content of the material they are made of. (

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