BERNS, ein Graffitikünstler aus Auckland (Neuseeland) hat uns kürzlich kontaktiert und über sein Projekt UNITY20 informiert. Mit der Bitte um Veröffentlichung. Es geht um 20 Styles, bzw 20 Styles die jeweils TWO IN ONE gemalt sind (sein Name gemischt mit einem Namen seiner Crew DMJC), so wie wir es bspw von PREF ID Crew aus England kennen. Weitere Hintergründe zum Projekt unten im Text (engl) von BERNS
Hi I am writing to introduce you to my work. My name is Berns, I am a Street /Graffiti Artist from New Zealand, and now I am living in France, my cultural roots are from Peru and I have used my cultural heritage to infuse into my art that is created for the streets!
I present to you my project called: UNITY20. The concept of the project is to paint two names in the space of one. And the theme is based on painting the name of each member of my DMJC crew with mine. DMJC is from Peru and one of the well-known Graffiti crews from Peru, there are 20 of us in this group. We have won several Graffiti competitions around Europe and also have a documentary out on our crew we are a very pro-active crew as we are all very passionate about what we do!
The main purpose of this project is to showcase the way I can distinctively create new letter styles and forms which I want to unite and associate both names, but at the same time to create a contrast between them, giving each name their own personality by applying distinctive colors, or painting each word with a different technique. The project explores how to build a letter among another letter constructing overlaps, forms, shapes, characters, and blending effects.
This project is a way to show that graffiti is evolving into the new form of modern day calligraphy. In this case from one word to two words or maybe more depending how far we can go with this project since we all have a passion for letter styles.