Das neue BIZARRE BEYOND BELIEF Webzine ist da, dieses Mal auf 126 Seiten mit BATES, NYCHOS, BUFF MONSTER, BIAS & Vladimir Kraynyk sowie Simon Birch, Fokus auf Street Art in Malaysia und ein Report vom Montreal Mural Festival kuratiert von Naz Goshtasbpour.
We are very pleased to announce an unbelievably stacked line-up for issue lucky number 13. With artists and features from all corners of the world, such as graffiti BATES, NYCHOS, BUFF MONSTER, BIAS & fine-artists Vladimir Kraynyk and Simon Birch, a feature on Malaysian street-art by Beth Zener & a recap of Montreal’s Mural Festival by Naz Goshtasbpour. With a line-up like this it should come as no shock this issue is second to none.