Anfang des Jahres schon veröffentlichte die TIME 15 Fotos von Christopher Morris, der diese Anfang der 80er Jahre im U-Bahn-System NEW YORKs aufgenommen hatte. Die TIME schreibt:
New York was a very different place in the 1980s. Throughout America, and the world, it had a reputation for being a crime-riddled, dirty metropolis — one much changed from its bustling, mid-twentieth century prime. And nowhere was this more evident than on the city’s subway trains and platforms. Once the pride of Manhattan and the boroughs, the network had become a virtual no-go area both at night and during the day. Indeed, even a cursory glance at crime statistics shows us that in 1985 there were approximately 14,000 underground felonies — a far cry from today’s approximate 2,000. (..)”
Den ganzen text und Fotos gibt es hier.