Am 04. September 2014 ist MADC´s Soloshow REFLECTIONS in der Kolly Gallery (Seefeldstrasse 56, 8008 Zürich) gestartet. Die Ausstellung läuft genau einen Monat bis 04.Oktober 2014! Unten einige Worte des Kuratoren der Galerie plus Fotos vom Opening.
Reflection: “the act of reflecting or the state of being reflected / an image; representation; counterpart / a fixing of the thoughts on something; careful consideration / a thought occurring in consideration or meditation / an unfavorable remark or observation / the casting of some imputation or reproach / the return of light, heat, sound, etc., after striking a surface”.
The definition of the word chosen by MadC as title for the exhibition illustrates well the plurality of her artistic universe; work on the explosion of colors, perfection of the line, spontaneity, vacillating between a multiplicity of techniques and medias. All of this with a constant and growing success, which allowed the German artist to impose herself as an international and recognized reference.
The Kolly Gallery invites you to meditate between letters, numbers and words, leaving you primarily taken by dazzling tones and positive energies.
Words: Julien Kolly
Photos: Marco Prosch