BORIS von den GRIFTERS ist zurück aus einem erlebnisreichen Sommerurlaub und hat euch etwas mitzuteilen. Es sind diverse Projekte geplant, uA eine Ausstellung in Paris, mehr darüber dann in den kommenden Wochen.
A month after his return from one summer being remanded in custody, Good Guy Boris, creator of The Grifters Journal and Brand is addressing the nation about his “Return from Holidays”.
Boris is a satirical fictional character presenting an eastern european with strong accent and poor english language skills. His humoristic Borat rip-offs, comments and behaviour have been already violating the social and graffiti taboos for a few years.
Those who can read the message hidden beneath the mask of profanity can now decrypt the meaning of the words used for a slogan of his brand – Freedom is not defined by safety.
In that following statement the journalist apologies for his absence and he shares with you his intentions of world domination.
There will be no future statements about the investigation against The Grifters that is still running and no questions would be answered on that topic.
You can now follow Good Guy Boris on Instagram:
Instagram: @thegrifters
This video has been shot by Amine Bouziane // Stuff Productions (
© Music: Nym – Et Moi,mp3 & Si’l Vous Play – Show end tell.mp3 – Thanks Benji