
VIDEO – MODE2 ‘Song for Someone’ für U2´s ‘Films of Innocence’

Die irische Band U2 präsentieren aktuell zu jedem Track des Albums “Songs Of Innocence” ein eigens produziertes Video – zeigen sich selbst aber nicht in den Clips. Das Videoalbum ist laut Band inspiriert von den politisch motivierten Graffitti in Nordirland. Alle elf Videos sollen von der “einzigartigen Kraft der Demokratie in der urbanen Kunst” inspiriert sein.

“Films of Innocence” ist seit 9. Dezember über iTunes erhältlich. Regie bei den Kurzfilmen führten u.a. die Künstler Oliver Jeffers, Robin Rhode, D*Face, Chloe Early, Ganzeer, Vhils, Maser, ROA, DALeast, Todd James und auch Mode 2. Wie es heißt, hatten alle absolute freie Hand, was die Auswahl ihrer Bilder betrifft.

Mode2´s Beitrag zeigen wir euch unten, ein Mural für den “Song for Someone” gemalt und gedreht in Omagh, Nordirland.

“As soon as I heard that U2 were apparently (or partly) inspired by the mural culture of Ulster, with regards to this film project, I knew that I wanted to go back to Belfast or Omagh, and do an actual public mural, as opposed to doing something in the studio. By the time I went to the listening session of the song I had been assigned, the only people in my mind were those of Omagh, the ones I had spent a good bit of time with twelve years before, whose stories I had heard, and whose views on the long conflict had really brought home to me what life is like for ordinary people trying to lead ordinary lives, in harsh and extraordinary circumstances. I like Belfast, and loved my first time there in ’97, when the youngsters’ faces looked so fresh and positive, as a lasting cease-fire was finally in place. That said, I had developed an even tighter connection with Omagh, since I went to do a commemorative painting there in spring 2002, for the victims of the 15th of August ’98 bombing. It was, along with work I later did in Cape Town, the most humanly enriching project I had done in my life. I had always been wanting to be able to do more for the town, and this project gave me the opportunity.”

Mehr darüber erzählt Mode im Interview auf seiner Website hier

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