Entweder die (neben SWEET UNO) längste 5MINUTES die wir jemals produziert haben oder einfach eine kurze 12minütige Dokumentation mit und über den dänischen Graffitikünstler SOTEN aus Kopenhagen. SOTEN erzählt ein wenig über seine Anfänge, Style Wars, Style, Motivation und Inspiration!
The name SOTEN is synonymous with a visual artist and graffiti writer from Copenhagen, Denmark.
In the last 15 years he has grown from a young, local writer to an established international artist through his trademark determination, hard work, expert skill level and dedication.
His works are known from every imaginable graffiti spot, many gallery walls and countless cultural events and all carry his trademark letterforms, funky color combinations and use of classic illustration elements.
Lately he has spread his name and art all over the planet with extensive travelling to areas like Australia, South Africa, Canada, Russia and all over the European continent.
We invited SOTEN to our headquarters for an interesting conversation about Graffiti, the beginnings, motivations, inspiration, travelling and why Graffiti still is the most important thing in his life.
5MINUTES WITH: SOTEN | Letterforms and dedication – The Graffiti Artist SOTEN
Length: 12min
Language: english, french (subtitles), german (subtitles)
Online Screening : July 2015 | creative.arte.tv | ilovegraffiti.de
Production: Red Tower Films