Vor kurzem haben die Jungs von der kalifornischen LORDS Crew gemeinsam mit einigen österreichischen Crewkollegen ein Mural im wunderschönen Linzer Hafen gemalt. Im folgendem Video könnt Ihr euch das ganze noch einmal retrospektiv anschauen.
A couple of weeks ago, the LORDS CREW was invited to contribute a painting to the Mural Harbor in Linz, one of Austria’s most innovative spots for Urban Art and muralism.The LORDS (Legends Of Rare Designs), founded in 1986 in San Jose, is a collective of Graffiti artists from California with members in Austria. To strengthen their special connection, austrian crew members FADER, NYCHOS, PHEKT, SHED and SHUE77 invited Graffiti legend Lord QUAKE from San Francisco to paint this large scale mural together with them. ”Lords Of The Red Dragon” is the bursting outcome of a small crew reunion and celebrates the artists’ mutual love to Graffiti.