Ab 21.Januar 2016 zeigt die KOLLY GALLERY Zürich Arbeiten des im März 2010 verstorbenen Baseler Graffitikünstlers Sigi von Koeding aka DARE. Hier ein Auszug aus der Beschreibung:
“For me, writing is an expression of personality. Letters are therefore not just a way of commu- nicating content but also reject the soul of each writer and that is what I do, I ‘write’. My artistic origins lie in ‘Writing’, in our society known as ‘Graffti’. For over 20 years, I have actively and intensively grappled with the idea of letters; I have studied these in their basic typographical forms and as autodidact further developed them.
The name ‘Dare’ is the pseudonym that I adopted in 1986. After the many years when I wrote my name on walls all over the world, it seemed to me most honest to continue to write this name on canvas today. My paintings should be regard- ed as written self-portraits and if you believe that writing is an expression of personality, life can be found in each individual character.
This life, in turn, is me DARE! or Sigi von Koeding.”
Die Ausstellung in der Züricher Galerie läuft unter dem Titel AUSWÄRTSSPIEL, was sicherlich angelehnt ist an eine der letzten Ausstellungen von DARE mit dem Titel HEIMSPIEL. Damals im Oktober 2009 schrieb DARE nach der Ausstellung in seinem Blog “…bis zum nächsten Heimspiel wird es etwas dauern…”, einige Monate später verstarb DARE an den Folgen eines Hirntumors.
DARE “AUSWÄRTSSPIEL” – KOLLY GALLERY (Seefeldstrasse 56, 8008 Zürich)
21.Januar 2016, Vernissage 18 – 20 Uhr (Facebook Event)
Desweiteren steht eine interessante gedruckte Publikation über DARE in den Startlöchern. Dieter Buchhart, Kunstkritiker für das Kunstforum International und andere Kunstmagazine, hat in enger Zusammenarbeit mit DARE´s Mutter Yvette Amann das Buch DARE TO BE DIFFERENT fertiggestellt, spätestens im April soll es erhältlich sein, herausgegeben über den PUBLIKAT Verlag. (Abbildung oben: Buchcover)
“As the graffiti movement reached Europe from the USA in the mid 1980ties, Sigi DARE von Koeding, who was born in Basel (Switzerland), was one of the protagonists playing a major role. As one of the first writers,the network of friends he created stretched over half a continent.He further developed the painting of simple pseudonyms (or tags) and in this way established his own distinctive 3D-style that he later more and more often realised and perfected on canvas using a brush. In this way he built a bridge from the back-alley atmosphere typical of the scene to the art world of avant-garde galleries. Graffiti was now not just a special form of claiming territory by adolescents but, under the aegis of von Koeding, it became an urban spectacle with large-scale mural creations, often in combination with well-organised competitions or cultural festivals.On a much smaller scale DARE managed by the repeated transfer of his four letters onto canvas, just using layout, form and coloration,to give the observer an insight into his personality. In this way, until his death in 2010, he reached completely new audiences. At the same time, he achieved a change of perspective for people interested in culture, who would have automatically associated graffiti only with vandalism. Even today DARE enjoys the highest respect of his colleagues, as a pioneer of the sprayer generation, and in his hometown of Basel graffitis can be found that after 25(!) years have not been painted over.The book DARE to be different will be published in spring 2016 and documents in Europe for the first time graffiti and numerous sketches as well as a large part of Koedings multifaceted lifes work that he has left to us on canvas”
Sprache: englisch; deutsch
Maße: 297 x 230 mm
Einbandart: gebunden
ISBN-10: 3-939566-44-6 / 3939566446
ISBN-13: 978-3-939566-44-1 / 9783939566441
Erscheinungstermin: Frühjahr 2016
5 [LOST] MINUTES IN: Memory of Dare