
NEW YORK – ‘Earthling Episode 04’ – MAST

Der US-amerikanische Filmemacher SERRINGE hat uns seine aktuelle Episode für die ELEMENT TREE / EARTHLING Serie gesendet, mit Graffitiwriter MAST von der TGE, IMOK und GFR Crew aus New York City. Interessante Episode und symphatischer Typ!

Element Tree / Art Primo / Eggshell Stickers Present: EARTHLING Episode: 4 Feat. MAST
Created, Shot and Edited By: Serringe of
Feat. MAST of TGE, IMOK and GFR Crews.
Drone Footage shot By: Thaddeus Rombauer
Powered By: Art Primo and Eggshell Stickers
Produced By: ELEMENT TREE and MAST
True Mean Creations photo provided by: NOBLE

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