Every year the splash!, Germany´s biggest hiphop Festival, hosts a graffiti area called splash! Creative Camp. For this years camp a giant cube (8m x 8m) was built to paint on. The idea was, to create a huge Spraypaint Box with Graffiti Stickers, with an fresh result. The box was painted by graffiti artists Royal TS, Caparso, Boogie, Hombre, Rico79, Slider, Soten, Rebel73, Zone56, Omsk167, Enjoy and Wok. Besides that the area offered boards to paint, painted by Yugo, Eras, Inca, Leroy and many more. The Bosso Fataka Collective and the Quintessenz Team again were invited to create interesting installations inside and outside the camp. Checkout the Recap Video by ARTE Creative and the photos in the slideshow.