The graffiti artists MEGA and ROMEO from the north of Holland are about to release a selection of their best work with the book entitled “Traditional graffiti”, they share their funniest stories and a lot of knowledge gathered during more than 30 years of painting experience and adventures. The limited edition of 750 printed copies has 288 page book with more than 500 pictures of their work includes a lot of unpublished photo’s. The story in the book starts in 1985 and ends in 2016 and describes the development of two dedicated guys with a passion for writing and are working together since 1988. Checkout a short preview after below and order the book here on
We are happy to give away two copies here on ILOVEGRAFFITI.DE. All you have to do is share your favourite piece of the duo by email (link or photo) to notme(at) (not via our contact form) till August 15th, 2016! We will post a photo gallery with all submissions then and let you know who are the lucky winners!