

Bildschirmfoto 2017-02-08 um 11.55.11

If you have watched one of our yearly IBUG Street Art Festival Videowalks for ARTE Creative, you know the name DR.MOLROK. The Erfurt, Germany-based artist was recently seen in enamel metal action at various festivals doing several live metal casting demonstrations. Those that attended IBUG 2015 (Plauen, Germany) or IBUG 2016 (Limbach, Germany) enjoyed seeing and participating in the process and the final sculpture.

3D Art based on the classic graffiti style is growing in popularity and graffiti style innovations are appearing with more regularity. Many of these stand apart from traditional graffiti styles, yet incorporate many aesthetic traits of classic graffiti pieces such as the use of perspective and color. As pioneers for a new dimension of graffiti, several artists like DELTA, DAIM, TRUTHTAG or PEETA worked on 3D sculptural pieces in the past and present. There’s always a line between 2D and 3D you know… but some artists get mixed between both and that’s when DR.MOLROK went up the radar! Looking at his sculpture works you will be like wait a second..Is this real or just a computer graphic..NO. That’s definitely a sculpture. You can’t really decide visually. You will want to go there and touch it to see if it’s 2D or 3D.

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DR.MOLROKs great work is an intersection of graffiti and sculpturing of his self-developed graffiti style on a a wall or canvas. The letters are formed of objects collected together that give the sense that it’s a sculpture thing. These stunning artworks are made from a variety of materials. Some are made from enamel and then spray-painted. Other materials that the artist uses include cardboard, plastics and fabrics.

DR.MOLROK grew up in the former G.D.R. and started writing graffiti illegaly in 1994. From walls to trains at day and night he is part of the second graffiti generation in Erfurt, Germany. MOLROK is an self-taught artist and worksautodidact. In his 300sqm studio we discovered a big diversity of art he works on from time to time. Canvas works, modelings, abstract artworks, objects, and his letter sculptures. These were the reason why we decided to visit him and watch the work in progress.


While he showcased the process MOLROK gave us a little tour through his headquarters including some beautiful abandoned factory halls full of graffiti painted by him and friends. MOLROK gave us a special treat during his sculpture work as they interacted with the enamel metal to create one-of-a-kind abstract pieces we were interested to see and film. Throughout the day we took the chance talking to him here and there about his life, art in general and whats the idea behind these sculptures.

In this STREET ATELIER episode DR.MOLROK takes us through his sculpture casting process and at the same time its a little trip back to his very beginnings and the 2D graffiti work he is doing for many years, the ground zero of his sculpture works.

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DR.MOLROK Website:
DR.MOLROK Facebook:
DR.MOLROK Instagram:

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