
POINT OF VIEW 3 – Same Same But Different – 77 Minuten POV Graffiti & Interviews

Ihr erinnert euch vielleicht an TAKEN BY A VANDAL und die POINT OF VIEW DVD vor fünf Jahren, dem jetzt dieser YouTube Streifen hier folgt. Neu ist, dass zusätzlich zum POV Footage einige Protagonisten zu Wort kommen. Mit dabei sind BLUR, FAZKE, GAUNR, KLICKR, KIOS, TENO und einige mehr, aber seht selbst:

5 years after Point Of View and 2 years after SECOND finally here is our third movie Point Of View 3. The Director who wanted to try something different than the last times asked a few of our protagonists from the last movies to talk about their point of view. Some writers, some photographers, some friends. Here is the result. A try not to do just another graffiti movie consisting of bad action footage and cool music, but just a try…

More content and news about the POV-Family on Instagram: @thepointofviewmovie

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