

In unserer ersten 5MINUTES Episode im Jahr 2022 legen wir den Fokus wieder auf´s Trainwriting und folgen dem Berliner Graffiti Writer SHUKO und Co. mit der Kamera in die U-Bahn Tunnel und Layups in der Hauptstadt. Viel Spass und kommt gut durch den Februar!

“This 5MINUTES episode follows Berlin based graffiti writer SHUKO on numerous missions painting subways and s-trains with his friends. SHUKO is part of a very active Berlin subway graffiti generation with focus on painting trains in the German capital. The video gives a little insight in how SHUKO and his friends operate in the field, the moments of rush and why spray-painting trains in 2022 still is a very important part of the Graffiti movement.

5MINUTES is a video project by ILOVEGRAFFITI.DE”

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