Das Berliner Kollektiv ROCCO und seine Brüder tun mal wieder Gutes, dieses Mal in Korail, Dhaka, einem der größten Slums der Welt. Dort hat ROCCO mit Kids aus dem Slum eine Schule und einen Schulhof gestaltet;
The Berlin based Street Art Collective ROCCO & HIS BROTHERS just recently realized a great project in the Korail Slum in Dhaka, Bangladesh, titled “Playground Zero”.
The largest slum in Dhaka is located in the centre of the city, crammed onto a half-island, surrounded by a river on 3 sides as a natural border, similar to a leper colony.
Over 300,000 people have lived there for generations, many without ever having left their microcosm. Those who live there are considered homeless in the western world The children there play in foul-smelling heaps of rubbish, among rotten food scraps, broken glass and rusty nails.
Thanks to donations from friends, relatives and huge support by our colleagues a small playground was built in the middle of the horizon of corrugated iron – a retreat, a safe space: Playground Zero!
Das Projekt wird in. Zukunft noch weiter gehen, unten ein Video und Fotos der Aktion! Sehr sehr nice!