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Today a man who allegedly wrote anti-goverment slogans with a black marker on the Mexico City subway have killed two … [more]

Interesting article about the notorius tagger Tox from London and the legal trouble he could face… for doing legal canvas … [more]

Panserne i fængsel!!! (Put cops in jail!!!), spotted in central Copenhagen as part of the struggle to give Iraqi refugees … [more]

SALEM – For a teenager who was arrested two years ago for tagging graffiti around the North Shore, it seemed … [more]

Yesterday in Copenhagen, uniformed pig beats an undercover pig during pro-Iraqi asylumseeker riots. Nice…

Anti graffiti video from Philadelphia

So wrong So right

The case against Shepard Fairey continues, but things look better and better, read it all here

Italy’s conservative government is declaring war on the army of so-called graffiti artists who deface buildings, public transport and monuments … [more]

4th video from the debate…