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From Station 2 Station x Buch Preview

„A book about Dutch graffiti on steel during the period 2005-2006. 124 pages, over 900 flix. Featured Dutch crews: NC, FMS, KCS, NTB, FDL, VS, FY, RFA, LN, TOTS, AGK, PFFS, 302, DTR, TRT, LD, OD, PRA, DSK, SMD, TSB, MSN, WOW, DAL, TPA, DNO, BTP, HCD, D3T, HFB, HNS, TNO and International crews: MOAS, TPG, AOD, FAME, NME, AF, HFU, BLOW, MHD, FYA, EIER, BGS, EWC, TPK, UV, KO, DKE, SOSW, Y2K, DSF, GKS, END, ETS, DTS, 54, NT, ME, LMC, AT1, etc.“

Scheinen ja dieses Jahr noch einige Bretter aus der Druckerpresse zu kommen, den Buch Preview von “ From Station 2 Station“ aus Holland hier auf DurchDamage, coming soon

Posted: 24. Juli 2009  Posted By: admin  Tags: , , , , ,