Monthly Archives: August 2010

Monday 16th of August at 19.00, Four unique journeys of electronic music performed live in the Copenhagen Metro by: RUMPISTOL … [more]

The Pirate party for more Christiania last night was a great succes, more than 1000+ peacefull party people attending, the … [more]

Getdown in the famous tunnel in Kolding on August 20th 2010. Facebook event here Website here.

Its fashion week in Copenhagen, or CFW as some would say, so lots of stuff going on around the city, … [more]

The battle of opinions goes on in Aarhus, here is two new videos from the local newspaper, one is a … [more]

Maser doing it big for the cover of the Dubliner.

Bonzai from London has a new website full of extreme colors and detail, check it here.

Via Streetfiles

The 1st of the 7 deadly sins is Gluttony. Here is Zombie with some Faxe Kondi gluttony…

Come and party in Copenhagens latest hall of fame, Bolsjefabrikken in Ragnhildgade, Nørrebro. 100’s of full color pieces on display … [more]