Universal Mixtape

Posted: 27. November 2008  Posted By: twik

Totally off topic, but have to share this new mixtape from Universal Soundsystem since I have been blasting it nonstop for days now. Its full of all the latest uptempo dancehall riddims in one great mix, available easily on this free download and comes highly recommended from the ILG office. Get your lighters in the air and right-click save the whole thing right here.

Stylefile #28

Posted:   Posted By: twik

Coming out more steady then a dedicated checker from the traindepot, Stylefile magazine from the good people at Publikat in Germany keep the production level high and the nonsense low. Always filled with great walls and nice trains, Stylefile features quality in every issue. In this 28th issue, titled Armyfile, there are features on TopDoggs, Bandits and Honet. More info here and nice preview here.

Metroine book

Posted: 26. November 2008  Posted By: twik

Do you love trains? Then this book looks like its something for you. Metroine lists of all the different models of European metros that were in operation from 2006 to 2008, 40 systems, 101 metro models and some special ones on a total of 112 pages. More info here.

Itso & Adams

Posted:   Posted By: twik

This is some of the best TV ever made, I really want the whole world to see this, unfortunately its all in Danish language and there is a lot of talking, yet its pretty amazing, and no doubt part of the ILG Classic Shit series.
When the Copenhagen Central Station was renovated last year, a secret room was found beneath the building. The room was furnished and fully liveable and was made by Adams from Stockholm and Itso from Copenhagen. The manager of the station saw the room as an art happening and the whole story made the news and this great, late night talkshow called The 11th Hour. Here is the whole program in two parts, with on-location footage, interview with the station manager and an in-depth look at the great Adams book called Holes, Huts and Hidings.

Always nice with a wholetrain

Posted:   Posted By: twik

To keep warm in the cold upcoming winter, here is a little hot clip of a fresh polish wholetrain, seen in the DVD Men in Black #3…

Paris exhibition updates

Posted:   Posted By: twik

Jeppe from GraffitiGalleriet in Copenhagen went to Paris to check out the JonOne exhibition we recently blogged about here at ILG. Plus even more graffiti exhibitons in the city of cities. Looks like half of the NYC oldschool have invaded Paris, Seen, Blade, Quik and Crash. I guess some of the people in Stylewars did start writing to go to Paris… Three fresh photo galleries here, here and here

Graffiti Art #4

Posted:   Posted By: twik

The fourth issue of the nice french magazine Graffiti Art is hitting the streets at the end of November. Cover by Scien 123 Klan and 6 page feature on him and Klor inside. Also featured is the big Tate Modern exhibition in London recently. More info here.

Graffiti Argentina

Posted: 25. November 2008  Posted By: twik

New book coming Thames & Hudson, the publishers that seems to be putting out new graffiti books all the time. This one is about the South American hotspot Argentina and feature content created over the last few years in the land of Maradona. More infomation here.

Secret Wars Copenhagen result and galleries

Posted:   Posted By: twik

This past weekend saw the premiere of the Secret Wars illustration battle in Denmark, at the Copenhagen Street Festival in Christiania. Lots of people turned up at the event where Team UK, consisting of Conzo from Scorland and Mr. K from Kent, went into battle with Team DK, in the shape of Clean and Decay. The 90 minute battle inside the Grey Hall soon proved to be a favorite among the spectators and when the time was up, the home crowd made the most noize for Team DK, earning them a vote for the win. The two judges at the battle, Henrik and Ikaros, both voted for Team UK, giving them the overall victory in Secret wars Denmark 2008.
Lots of photos from the battle at the galleries here and here.

Secret Wars will be back in Copenhagen for 2009, in the meanwhile you can catch the big Sweden Finale in Malmø on Friday the 28th November, more info here.

Double video feature – Mayhem and Chip 7

Posted:   Posted By: twik

Any video with an Outkast soundtrack is bound to catch my attention and this is a nice little one, featuring the Mayhem Crew doing a gallery show.

The second one is down the same tracks, Chip 7 painting the outside of the Noodle Gallery in San Fransisco