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Eye Tracking

„This is truely an incredible project with Tempt, the graffiti writer from LA. Since a couple of years Tempt is paralyzed due to a rare dicease and can only move his eyes. But he is now able to write again, with the movement of his eyes „

Theo Watson, Zach Leiberman, Chris Sugrue, die Ebeling Group, das Graffiti Research Lab und der an einer Muskelkrankheit leidende TemptOne aus Los Angeles haben zusammen ein interessantes Tool getestet. Mit den Augenpupillen zeichnen und naja egal schaut selbst, Videos und Bilder der zehntägigen Erprobungsphase mit Tempt hier

„The streets crowned him Tempt. The disease said he was finished. But me and my crew, we call him EyeOne: the legend, the first man to bomb with his eyes.“


Posted: 24. April 2009  Posted By: admin  Tags: , , ,